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The client module contains the Client() class which makes up the bulk of pyracing. For a detailed description of each class method, see the List of Functions wiki page.


The constants module contains all constants of iRacing. Since iRacing constants are not always consistent in usage, we assign them to Class Attributes (not instance attributes). Which enables using the name "dirt_oval" instead of remembering that 4 is the index for it.

As an example, in any of the Client() methods that accept an argument of category you can input "Dirt Oval" with constants.Category.dirt_oval.value and the correct value of 4 will be used.


The response_objects sub-package is nothing but a collection of objects. JSON data returned from iRacing endpoints and mapping them to instanced objects. When performing a query and assigning it to a variable, it will be of the object type unique to that data. This means that you don't have to parse any of the JSON data.